10 Dating Tips For Single Parents Pt.2

Photo:© Monkey Business/Dollar Photo Club

We have already covered 5 of the necessary dating tips every single parent should know about.

Let’s take a look at the rest of them:

6. Avoid talking about your kids or your ex all the time

When you are out on a date with someone, make sure you place a limit on how much you talk about your kids or your ex. Your date knows you come with strings attached, but if your kids are all you talk about, or even worse, if you talk about your ex too much, they might think you’re too complicated to mess with. Your conversations should be focused on your hopes, dreams, and your interests. Let the dates be all about the two of you, don’t ‘bring’ your family or past with you.

7. Don’t have sex too soon

When you meet someone new and exciting, it might be tempting to jump into bed, especially if you meet someone with whom you share incredible chemistry. Still, you’re not a teenager and you can suppress your urge, if you’re looking for a serious relationship, and you want to know your partner wants the same thing.

If you have decided to try out something casual and you really just need someone to have sex with regularly, make sure to avoid sleepovers and public displays of affection in front of the kids. This goes for serious relationships, too — it will be a long time until your kids get used to the idea you are kissing someone romantically.

8. Don’t involve your date in the parenting

Your new love interest can help you with your parenting duties, and it might sound lovely to lean on someone, for a change. After juggling with everything all by yourself for a long time, this can look more than tempting. Don’t fall for this trap. Your date is not your kid’s parent, and you will end up with your kids resenting him/her, which could create a new set of problems on the long run.

9. Don’t ask your kids for relationship advice

If you have older kids who have gone through some relationships themselves, you might feel tempted to talk to them about your relationship, and ask them for advice. Although you might think your kid is smart enough to give you an objective advice, you should remember that telling your kid everything about your relationship’s ups and downs might turn out really bad for the relationship. Your child may have mixed feelings about your dating without you knowing it.

10. Be very patient and selective

Jumping onto the dating scene again brings some disappointments along the way, you will realize this very soon. While you shouldn’t let this discourage you – there are, indeed, many great people out there, you shouldn’t settle for something that’s less than what you’re looking for, either. Don’t lower your standard and be patient. Just because you haven’t yet met the right person, doesn’t mean he/she is not just around the corner. Remember: “If you settle for less than you deserve, that’s exactly what you’ll get.”

Source:John Aiken, RSVP dating and relationship expert, and seen weekly on Ch 7’s the Morning Show
