6 Transforming Decisions That Will Change Your Dating Life

When it comes to dating, between the fear of rejection, unreliable first dates, or attracting the wrong person, saying that dating is a bit of a struggle nowadays sounds just about right.

Very often, people can’t seem to get pass the first few dates and they feel like there’s no chemistry, or they have simply no idea what turned off the potential partner and made them disappear. You are often left with a handful of dates that went wrong and you sometimes feel hopeless.

If you want to meet a quality partner, the first thing you have to do is make several decisions that will help you attract that significant other. And not only attract, but keep them interested, too.

Taking your dating life to the next level doesn’t really take more than improving your own thoughts and points of view.

You Have to Stop Thinking You’ll Never Find Someone

I hear a bunch of people saying they aren’t able to meet anyone because there is no one out there for them. This is giving up. This is spreading negativity all around you and convincing yourself you’re doomed to a lonely life. The truth is there are plenty of people out there who would make perfect partners for someone like you, but if you truly believe that there’s no one for you out there, you’ll get exactly what you believe.

You Have To Let Go Of Resentment

If you still keep resentment and anger from your past relationship or relationships gone wrong, you are automatically setting yourself up for inevitable failure in the dating world. Potential partners can easily pick up on resentment, and no one enjoys dating a person who carries their past on their back.

You need to understand that every person that crossed paths with you made the person you are today. You need to accept your past relationships for what they are: a part of your life journey. They all led to this very moment, and this is the moment you should grab all you’ve got and find yourself a quality partner. Those bad experiences made you a stronger person, and this new tough individual you’ve become shouldn’t live their life hating on their past. Forgive yourself for making bad choices and let them go. The time is now, so live the moment and don’t sprinkle resentment all over potential dates. One of them is your soul mate; don’t chase them away because your ex was an a-hole.

Get Out There and take Action

Do you feel like you’re taking mediocre action or no action at all? Have you fallen into blissful stagnation where nothing is ever happening?

Stop putting your life on hold. Get out there and meet people. Try something new each day. Make each day the perfect day for doing something you’ve never done before. Get out of your cocoon and start living.

Practice Dating

So let’s say you’ve got a first date scheduled with a partner you aren’t really sure is worth your time. Maybe it turns out you don’t really like them. It doesn’t matter. Use those dates to practice dating. Be the best version of yourself on every date. Be present and practice treating every dating partner the best way you can. Make each date a practice. Practice bringing your best, and even if some of those dates don’t turn out to have a sequel, you’ll still have the experience with you – and the practice, and we all know practice makes perfect.

Smile at Strangers

Smiling is inviting. When you’re out having a cup of coffee, put your phone down and keep your eyes up. Look at people, be open to connection. Smile at cute strangers. There are so many opportunities to connect and you might be missing them all because you’re staring at your phone all the time.

Get Out of The House

Just get out. Stop spending your days in front of your TV. Join a dating site. Take a chance, take a risk. The perfect partner won’t come knocking at your door. You have to put yourself out there.

Always remember that we get exactly what we settle for. Don’t settle for a lonely life. Make strong decisions and stick to them. Share yourself with the world!




Photo by be creator
